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Composition as A Way of Forming the Terms of Medical Instruments and Surgical Devices in Modern Chinese
Lola Akmalovna Sultanova
Senior Lecturer Faculty of Sinology Department of Chinese Philology Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i1-04

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Studying any foreign language, involves a detailed study of all its aspects including Chinese. Medical instruments and equipment are one of the most significant components of contemporary medicine. 构词法gòucífǎ- word formation is the process of creating new words based on existing language units. In this aspect, word formation is considered as one of the most significant means in replenishing the vocabulary of the language. New words in a language are formed according to certain rules, models and schemes - according to certain patterns, which form a certain linguistic mechanism, which is called word formation. As a result of compounding, complex words are formed, between the components of which there are usually similar relationships, the basic models of compounding are developed in the works of A.I. Ivanov and E.D. Polivanov, I.M. Oshanin, V.M. Solntsev, N.N. Korotkov, as well as in the works of such Chinese linguists as Lu Zhiwei, Zhang Shoukang, Ren Xuelyang, and others. In this article, we give examples of the structural models of word formation of Lu Zhiwei.


word formation, compounding, medicine, term, surgical instruments


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10) Ivanov A.I., Polivanov E.D.Grammar of the modern Chinese language. Moscow: 1930. -p.304

11) Oshanin I.M. Word and parts of speech in Chinese: Day. .... doct. philol. on-uk. Moscow: 1946, -433.

12) Solntsev V.M. Essays on the modern Chinese language. Moscow: 1957. -p.204

13) Korotkov N.N. The main features of the morphological structure of the Chinese language. Moscow: 1968, -p. 400

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17) 陆志韦。汉语的构词法。北京。科学出版社。1964pp.15-55.


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