1Roya Sadat Alavi Pour,2Kamran Koroozhdehi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i1-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to investigate the role of innovation in the tourist attitude and improve the performance of the destination. In this regard, while reviewing the concepts of innovation, tourist attitude, and destination performance, using the structural equation modeling method, we examined the effect of innovation on tourist attitude and promotion of destination performance. The statistical population of this study includes tourists from historical places in Tehran, whose number is unlimited. The sample size was determined using the Krejcie-Morgan 384 sample size determination table, which was selected using simple random sampling. In order to collect data in this research, a questionnaire was used, the validity of which was confirmed as content validity by experts, and the validity of construction and structure by confirmatory factor analysis in Smart-pls software and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, approved by a factor of 0.954. In order to analyze the data in this study, the Chlomogroff-Smirnov test was used for regular testing, and structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that innovation in services and marketing has a significant impact on tourist attitudes, marketing promotion, and destination performance. The results also show that the mediating role of marketing promotion on the impact of innovation on destination performance has not been confirmed.
KEYWORDSInnovation - Marketing - Tourism - Tourist Attitude - Destination Performance
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