1К.I. Ahmedov, 2A.Q. Nematov
1Senior teacher, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
2Assistant Lecturer, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry,
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In the article, we will consider a dynamic analysis of the design and parameters of the recommended spinning machine, which provides a uniform supply of fibers to the spinning chamber to obtain high-quality filament in the working chamber of the damaging drum. An accurate calculation of the parameters is required while ensuring the parallel movement of the flows. During the period of time the volume changes in the working chamber of the damaging drum of the recommended pneumatic spinning machine. It is known that the rotational speed of the drum is very high. During this period, a tape of fibers receives a lot of blows from the sharp top of the tooth saw the drum. To reduce the impact force, designers recommend convex saws. We know from the theory of operation of spinning chambers, during the discrediting of fibers, in the surface of the spinning chambers, the fiber flow should be mutually parallel, the most basic fiber flow with each other should be at a great distance. Only, the achievement of these qualities depends on the physico-mechanical properties and length of the fibers. During the discredit, the saw of the drum combs the bands. In this process, what part of the fiber hits the saw of the drum, this deteriorates and the process of discrediting. As a result, the quality of the resulting yarn is deteriorating. Here aerodynamic laws give the expected result, therefore, it is necessary to undergo a dynamic analysis of the design and parameters of the recommended spinning machine, which ensures a uniform supply of fibers into the spinning chamber. KEY-WORDS
Fiber, working chamber, defamatory drum, volume, tooth, yarn, aerodynamics.
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