Nodirbek Mahmudovich Yusupov
Department “Theory and methodology of football”, Uzbek state University of Physical Culture and Sports.
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The article presents new approaches to the structure of the annual training cycle of female players, which are related to the precise quantitative distribution of training in different directions on the me so and micro-cycles. From this perspective, rational planning is concerned with the effects of unidirectional physical loads on the body, both during a single micro-cycle (“unidirectional load micro block”) and throughout the entire me so-cycle, with subsequent changes in training stimuli. The use of the block method implies a transition to a new system of regulation of physical loads, which will take the whole process of training 17-19-year-old girls to a new qualitatively higher level.
KEY-WORDSThe block method, technical-tactical, teen-player girls, micro-cycle, me so-cycle, specialized loads.
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