Ahmad Hisham bin Azizan
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sarawak, Kampus Samarahan 94300 Kota Samarahan, Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i9-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
Demand for quality education has been globally increased throughout the world. One of the methods to access quality education is via Open Educational Resources (OER). Open Educational Resources (OER) is not only a buzzing trend, but a realistic platform to realize the spirit of ‘Education for All’ and have gained increased attention for their potential and promise to eliminate demographic, economic, and geographic educational boundaries and to promote life-long learning and personalized learning. The sudden growth of Open Educational Resources (OER) provides new opportunities for education and learning at the same time, challenges established views about educating and learning practices in education. This study aims to explore an introduction to the emerging Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. At the same time, although learning resources are often considered as important intellectual property in a competitive higher education world, yet many critical issues have been identified that must be addressed, especially in Islamic studies. This study will determine the problems that we are facing today in education from technology to quality issues. A survey of the literature review was carried out to analyse the critical problems applied in Open Educational Resources (OER), especially in Islamic studies. A deep search of academic research and writing was performed includes books, journals, conference papers, articles, dissertations, and theses. This study also explains explicitly the benefits of open educational resources to the learners in their respective courses. The paper then clarifies certain challenges and issues hampering open education initiatives by highlighting the implications for institutions, teachers, and students.
KEYWORDSOpen educational resources, benefits, issues, Islamic studies
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