Gulrukhsor Sayriddinovna Kurbonova,
Corrector of the Press Editorial Publishing Department, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
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This article discusses the methods and means of satisfying the student’s need for information resources of the press and information organizations, as well as the resources used in the formation of existing concepts in the field, using modern concepts, to further improve their relevance to the topic.The article used various methods and tools to further develop the provision of information resources to the press and information organizations in order to deliver and ideally use them for the general public..Each concept is clearly stated and will certainly be effective in providing information resources to the press and information organizations.At a time when the provision of information resources for the press and media in our country has become a global problem, the suggestions and recommendations contained in the article are relevant, this article was written with the intention to use them and apply them to every press and information organization.
KEY-WORDSinformation, press, organization, media, journalism, information technology, information, news, media, method, modern, future, global, newspaper, magazine, television, radio, internet, website.
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