• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


A study on financial leverage with special reference to deccan industries private limited , Tamil Nadu
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For every economic activity, finance is that the lifeblood. From the business perspective leverage refers to the use of owned or borrowed equity to finance the acquisition of business assets. Leverage on one hand will increase a company's come on equity on the other hand poses a threat to the company's existence inside the type of liquidation; if company is unable actually its fastened interest liabilities. What is more use of leverage protects dilution of owner's equity. Thus leverage is a vital decision making area of financial management. Leverage cannot be regarded as a bad practice; as it is useful to finance company's growth and development through purchase of business assets. Borrowing should be within limits otherwise can pose a threat if company is unable to pay back the borrowed debts. This paper concentrates on the leverage analysis at DECCAN INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED and also the objective of the paper is to check the monetary financial leverage.


Financial Leverage, Operating Leverage, Combined Leverage.


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