1M. Rudi Irwansyah, 2Kadek Rai Suwena, 3I Putu Arya Dharmayasa
1,2,3Economic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i12-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
Continuing education to college is everyone's dream. Although not all have the same opinion about it, but continuing education to the highest level is the dream of almost everyone. Several studies have examined this, as well as this research. This research tries to reveal the influence of learning motivation, socioeconomic conditions on college interest, (3) simultaneously between learning motivation and socioeconomic conditions on college interest. Vocational high School of Accounting grade XII students are used as the population. Proportional random sampling as a sampling technique by setting as many samples 58 student. Data collection techniques used are the questionnaire and documentation multiple linear regression analysis as data analysis. The results of data processing showed (1) there was a significant influence of learning motivation on interest in Vocational high School with a value of sig 0,000 <0.05, (2) economic conditions had no effect on interest in college indicated sig value of 0.403 > 0.05, and the learning motivation and conditions socioeconomic simultaneously has a significant effect on interest in higher education with a value of sig 0,000 <0.05
KEYWORDSMotivation, Socio-economic conditions, Interests
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