1Cam Van Bui, 2Son Tung Ha, 3Phan Hoa Le, 4Manh Linh Tran, 5Duc Dinh Truong
1,2,3,4 National Economics University, Vietnam
5University of Labor and Social Affairs, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i12-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
The accountants in the accounting service firms in Hanoi all have a high level of education, an understanding of high socio-economic knowledge and a certain level of training can definitely involve in supply chain management (SCM) in the accounting service firms. This research was conducted to measure the SCM in the accounting service firms in Hanoi. Data were collected through a survey with 135 accountants and businesses employee from accounting service firms in Hanoi. With this data, we have used descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha analysis to identify and measure sixteen (16) attributes of SCM in the accounting service firms in Hanoi. The results showed that SCM is highly appreciated by respondents. Based on the findings, some recommendations are given to improve SCM in the accounting service firms in Hanoi.
KEYWORDSSCM, custermer, supplier, information share, information quality
JEL code:M10, M40, M29
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