1Anarkul Bekmyrzakyzy Salkynbay, 2Ulzhan Usenkyzy Anarbekova
1Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
2Doctoral student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i11-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
Value is the spiritual core of the worldview, the basis that allows us to understand the historical causes and meaning of the various situations that arise in society, the main balance should be this value. After all, these are the national values that determine the uniqueness and originality of the people or ethnic group. In today's globalized world, the study of national values, the analysis of its meaning and significance, the systematization of spiritual and cultural codes, the assessment of traditions and beliefs, the promotion of virtues that play an important role in society – play a major role in ensuring the tolerance. National values are important not only for the nation but also for the broad horizons of human culture, the breadth of breath, the height of the pedestal. It is important for the harmonious development of mankind. Evaluation of the value is an important phenomenon that determines the meaning of life. Evaluation of the value can be used to determine the direction and route of large and small events and situations around them, to analyse the dynamics of social, cultural and even political processes, and to provide a systematic interpretation. The article explores the importance of assessing and promoting national values through Abay's teachings.
KEYWORDS:nation, national values, national consciousness, axiology, assessment of national values
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