Koffi Jean Marius Boris Kouame
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i11-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Geography is an ancient discipline whose purpose is space study. This discipline was one of the pillars used for mapping, displacement, and explaining existing phenomena on earth. Before 1914, geography already existed and played an important role during the First World War. However, we note that some authors limit themselves to the definition of geography as an instrument allowing to move and to map the elements. However, after the Second World War, like all other disciplines, geography knew stages in its evolution. Geography has changed dramatically since this definition and has experienced monumental changes. It was transformed through science '' natural '' in social science, hence abandoning the naturalistic point of view which was founded and developed the geography of the 19th century. Modern geography relies on tools and experimental techniques. These methods and techniques used to build a scientific rationale based on experimentation and coherent reasoning.
KEYWORDS:Development of Geography, scientific geography, Contemporary Geography, modern Geography
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