1Dr. Suheela Shabir, 2Dr.Norah Al Bishri, 3 Dr. Zubair Amin
1,2 Assistant Professor, College of Business and Administration, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
3 Department of Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v3-i10-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
Neuroscientific techniques allow consumer researchers to understand the basic framework of psychological processes that drive consumer behavior, and get into their “black box” which is the consumer's mind. Each year, over 400 billion dollars is invested in advertising campaigns. Under the traditional marketing mindset, the testing of and predicting the effectiveness of these investments depend on consumers’ willingness and competency to describe how they feel when they are exposed to an advertisement. Neuro marketing offers innovative methods for directly probing minds without requiring demanding cognitive or conscious participation. This paper discusses the increased use of neuro marketing techniques for the evaluation of customer preferences and decision-making processes is considered to be an advantage for customers and marketers simultaneously. The results indicate that neuro marketing is associated to have a high influence on consumer buying behavior, advertising, pricing, and distribution of products, branding and decision-making as marketing inputs. The research concludes with limitations and future scope of research in neuro marketing.
KEYWORDS:consumer behavior, cognitive, neuro marketing, branding, advertising, Physiological
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