• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


To The "Potential Development Zone" of the University Center in "Calixto Garcia" Municipality
1MSc. Norton Ignacio Pena Aguilera, 1MSc. Jorge Luis Reyes Lopez, 1MSc. Francisco Infante Estrabao , 1MSc. Noriel Reynaldo Rodriguez, 1Esp. Gisela Margarita Rodriguez Cedeno, 1MSc. Irina Reyes Martinez
1Teaching Department of the Municipal University Branch Calixto Garcia, University of Holguin, Holguin, Cuba
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The work had as object of study the process of integration of Higher Education in Cuban municipalities, due to the novelty of it and the lack of management tools to carry it out. A historical study was made of the process of universalization of Cuban Higher Education with its particularities in the Calixto Garcia municipality of Holguin province, Cuba; all of it constitutes an instrument of invaluable value for the historical, logical and prospective studies related to this subject. The objective of the research was to demonstrate that the integration process of Higher Education in the municipality of Calixto Garcia was successful from the implementation of a procedure for this purpose and the evaluation of the results in basic indicators of the substantive processes before, during and after the integration. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods used during the research process. The procedure constitutes a theoretical-practical contribution to the process of conception and organization of the integration of Higher Education in the municipalities and at the same time, it is an important methodological and organizational instrument. Its application corroborated its effectiveness and relevance when a significant increase in quality detected in the main indicators of the substantive processes in the Calixto Garcia Municipal University Center during the 2015- 2016 academic year to 2016-2017


integration, university management, municipal environments, procedure, project.


1) Aplicacion de la direccion integrada por proyectos a la gestion sistemica de procesos universitarios. Pena, Norton, Batista, Mario y Sandra, Pena. 2017. Dubai : E-Publising, 2017. ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6.

2) El encargo social de los CUM. Alarcon, Rodolfo. 2012. Habana : Universitaria, 2012. ISBN 970-920-01-27.

3) Infante, Francisco y Mario, Batista. 2013. Metodologia para la gestion sistemica de eventos cientificos. Holguin : Tesis de maestria, 2013.

4) Jover, Nunes, Montalvo, Felix y Isabel, Perez. 2006. La educacion superior y los procesos sociales. [aut. libro] Ada Guzon Camporredondo. Universidad, conocimiento y Desarrollo Local. Habana : Pueblo y educacion, 2006.

5) La direccion integrada por proyectos. Un metodo para la gestion sistemica de los procesos universitarios. Pena, Norton, Batista, Mario y Pena, Sandra. 2017. 3, Ciudad Mexico : s.n., 2017, Vol. ano IV. ISSN:2007-7890.

6) La gestion integrada de los procesos sustantivos en las universidades municipales cubanas. Pena, Norton y Batista, Mario y Pena, Sandra. 2016. 01, Buenos Aires : s.n., 2016, Vol. 09. ISSN 1852-1487.

7) Metodologia para la gestion sistemica de eventos cientificos. Infante, Francisco y Mario, Batista. 2016. 3, Buenos Aires : s.n., 2016, Vol. 1.

8) Pena, Norton y Mario, Batista. 2013. Metodologia para la gestion integrada de los procesos sustantivos en las universidades municipales cubanas. Holguin : Tesis de maestria, 2013.

9) Tecnologia de gestion para la ciencia, la tecnologia y la innovacion en las Sedes Universitarias Municipales. Experiencias de su aplicacion en la SUM de Calixto Garcia. Batista, Mario Adelfo y Perez, Julio Nolberto. 2010. 1, Camaguey : s.n., 2010, Vol. 3. ISSN.


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