1Xanthippi Foulidi, 2Terpsichori Gioka,3 Evangelos C. Papakitsos
1,2University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
3University of West Attica, Egaleo, Greece
Corresponding Author : Xanthippi Foulidi
University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Until recently, Biology explained the socially “normal”, in the Social Sciences as well. The biological difference (and the different anatomical characteristics) entailed the difference of roles according to Sex (male, female) and influenced the perception that each person had for himself/herself (“biologization”). During the last years, the “de-biologization” of the sciences has essentially been achieved, including the science of Linguistics, by introducing into them the analytical category of “gender”. Since the 1980s, the counterbalance between biological and social gender was disputed and it was argued that gender is exclusively a construction of society and culture. A strong opinion, in the context of the above construction, is that the Discourse and language reflect hierarchical/empowering social realities, which are not “innocent” towards gender inequalities and discriminations. Consequently, the grid of predominant gendered prejudices and stereotypes is reproduced and perpetuated through them, depending on the historical and cultural conditions. A concise historical review of that issue is presented in this paper.
KEY-WORDSSociolinguistics, Sexism, Linguistic sexism, Women's studies
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