1Javier Alejandro Feijoó Caraballo,2 José A. Fabelo Falcón, 3Iván L. Rodríguez Rico
1Departamento de la Gerencia de Planta. Fábrica de Cementos Cienfuegos, Cuba
2,3Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, Cuba
Corresponding Author : Javier Alejandro Feijoó Caraballo
Departamento de la Gerencia de Planta. Fábrica de Cementos Cienfuegos, Cuba
In the present work an analysis was made of the formation of crusts or rings in clinker kilns of cement factories in Cuba and Argentina because these formations are one of the most serious problems presented by the kiln areas, which bring with them, stops unnecessary of the entities. With the use of phenomenological models, general parameters were determined, as well as several residence times of the ovens, as appropriate. In addition, several balances were made in a general way and specifically in several scenarios with the Matlab software in function of the different compounds that enter the furnace or that are formed within it, taking sulfur and sodium as main substances of study, in order , to determine several aspects of them, such as: their influence on the formation of the rings, the quantities present in the system, their main reactions, their behavior in normal operating contexts and in conditions of instability, as well as possible solutions for its mitigation and control in kilns. The calculations showed that sulfur and sodium should be managed close to the parameters established by the entities for a good operation of the ovens, thus avoiding unnecessary stops due to ring formation.
KEY-WORDSRing; Sulfur; Kiln; Matlab; Reactions
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