• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Marks of Discipleship in African Christianity: Lessons from Mary
1Dickson Nkonge Kagema
1,Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies and Philosophy at Chuka University in Kenya, Research Associate in Missiology and Practical Theology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Director of Theological Education by Extension (TEE) in the Anglican Diocese of Meru
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Following Christ is an obligatory task of every Christian. It is undertaking an endless spiritual journey regardless of the hiccups one faces on the way. This paper discusses the essence of discipleship using Mary as an example. Mary was a young Jewish woman betrothed to Joseph, and was from the insignificant town of Nazareth. She came from a very humble family background. She therefore did not have great expectations in life. But her exceptional character exemplified by her love and service to God, humility, faithfulness, dedication and determination made her adopt the title Theotokos (mother of God), a prestigious title prayed for by every Jewish woman. God chose her to bear his son, Jesus, the saviour of the world. This way, she became the first disciple of Christ. Following Christ has many challenges, but in all her desperation Mary said ‘Yes to God’ and followed Christ without turning back, following him up to the foot of his cross. Mary thus became the channel of God’s grace to humanity. Mary is therefore the model of discipleship in the Church, especially here in Africa where the Church is making converts and not disciples. Christians must know that like Mary, they are Christ’s bearers in the world. Following Christ is a lifelong process where one surrenders all for the sake of Christ. Discipleship comes at the second hour. In the first hour Christ reveals himself to us and calls us to follow him. In the second hour we make a stark decision to follow him regardless of the obstacles on the way.


Discipleship, Marks of Discipleship, African Christianity, Mary


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