1Recil C. Alicante, 2Pepa V. Pontillas
1,2Cagayan de Oro College - PHINMA, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Reading proficiency is a critical skill impacting academic success, comprehension, and critical thinking. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the reading proficiency of Indigenous People (IP) learners of Opol Districts Schools for the School Year 2024-2025. It sought to describe the respondents' profile, find the respondents' level of reading proficiency, and determine the significant relationship between the respondents' level of reading proficiency and each of the respondent's profile. In this study the respondents were one hundred fifty-two (152) Grade 3 IP learners with a margin error of 8% using Slovin's formula and a stratified sample to get the appropriate number of respondents in every school. This study used descriptive -qualitative research design, and a researcher made questionnaires and reading proficiency tests based on the Grade 3 English curriculum guide. Statistical tool such as means, standard deviation, and Pearson-r were applied to interpret the data on the level and significant relationship between learners' profile and reading proficiency. The findings indicate that the overall reading proficiency level of the Grade 3 IP learners was in Satisfactory while learners demonstrated a good understanding of phonics, phonological awareness, vocabulary, and comprehension, significant challenges were observed in fluency. The study found no significant relationship between respondents' profile and reading proficiency, except for a weak positive significant relationship between parents' and occupation and reading proficiency highlighting the need for better resources and collaboration. The Study concluded that culturally sensitive and individualized approach to education is important, considering the diverse learner profile. The findings recommended on providing ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers on effective strategies for teaching Indigenous learners reading fluency, developing materials in local help learners learn both languages, and integrating regular and targeted fluency practice into daily lessons.
KEYWORDS:Reading Proficiency, IP Learners
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