• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

Empowering the Zanjera Sto. Niño Agriculture Cooperative through Cooperative Development
1Errol John V. Valdez, 2Carmela G. Adriatico, 3Leeza Jan G. Valenzuela, 4Hadjie P. Argel
1,2,3,4Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-31

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The Cooperative Development (Coop Dev) Project, spearheaded by the Bachelor of Science in Cooperative Management Program of the Mariano Marcos State University - College of Business, Economics and Accountancy (BSCMMMSU-CBEA), in partnership with the Philippine Rice Research Institute – Batac Branch (PhilRice-Batac), was established with the goal of empowering the Zanjera Sto. Niño Agriculture Cooperative (ZSNAC) in Barangay Bugasi, Banna, Ilocos Norte by providing development interventions to the human resources of the agriculture cooperative such as technical assistance and capacity building activities which include trainings, seminars, and workshops to enhance their knowledge and strengthen their skills on intellectual capacity, governance, and management to achieve efficient and effective operations and performance for long-term survival and sustainability. The Coop Dev Project was regarded as very much relevant to the ZSNAC, PhilRice – Batac Branch and the BSCM-MMSU-CBEA. The project was able to empower the officers, employees and members through the different capability enhancement trainings and activities. It strengthened and enhanced their knowledge and skills in governing the operations and managing the business endeavors of the cooperative, including their democratic control and decision-making abilities. For the PhilRice-Batac, the project is considered as very much relevant because it serves as an arm to capacitate the cooperatives on organizational building to successfully help the cooperatives manage and operate as agro-enterprise ventures. The project is very much relevant to the BSCM program of MMSU-CBEA because it serves as an arm of the university to achieve one of its seven-point agenda which is high impact and transformative extension and outreach program. Specifically, the project helps the BSCM program to accomplish its program outcome of establishing strong linkages and partnerships with local cooperatives and related agencies in the formulation and implementation of development programs. The relevance of the extension project lies in the capacity to empower the human resources, promote inclusivity, and foster sustainability of the agriculture cooperative. To ensure the sustainability of the Coop Dev Project, its implementation is reflected in the approved 2024-2028 CBEA Research and Extension Development Agenda (CREDA) to continue assisting and helping cooperatives in the province for developmental needs. Lastly, the Coop Dev project recommends continuous support to the agriculture cooperative by providing assistance and other developmental needs, continue to establish a strong partnership with PhilRice-Batac Branch to help and assist other cooperatives in the province, continue to generate information, education, and communication (IEC) materials with ISSN, and to undergo impact assessment.


Cooperative, development, capacity building, intellectual capacity, governance, management

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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