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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

Institutional Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Ethics in the Workplace: Triple Functions of Academic Leaders in Medical Laboratory Science Institution's in Region 3, Philippines
1*Grace D. Bacalzo, 2Jose Jurel M. Nuevo
1Wesleyan University – Philippines, Cabanatuan City
2Our Lady of Fatima University, Valenzuela City
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-30

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Leadership in academic institutions plays a pivotal role in shaping organizational culture, fostering commitment, and upholding ethical standards. In the field of Medical Laboratory Science, where precision, integrity, and adaptability are paramount, effective leadership is essential to navigate evolving educational and professional demands. This study assessed the triple functions of academic leaders—focusing on institutional leadership, organizational commitment, and ethics in the workplace. Specifically, it explored the demographic profiles of respondents, their assessment of institutional leadership across various domains (e.g., professional development, curriculum development, community relations), organizational commitment, and personal and organizational ethics. Additionally, it examined significant differences based on demographic variables and relationships among the three focus areas. The majority of respondents (94.2%) were faculty members, with balanced gender representation (50% male and female). Most held a bachelor’s degree (85.6%) and had less than five years of service (87.5%). Assessment findings revealed strong confidence in institutional leadership, particularly in professional development and curriculum enhancement. However, results also highlighted moderate organizational commitment, with respondents expressing reservations about policies but pride in their organizational membership. Ethical practices, both personal and organizational, were rated highly, with emphasis on honesty, respect for diversity, and avoidance of favoritism. Significant differences in institutional leadership assessments emerged based on institutional affiliation, educational attainment, and years of service, whereas organizational commitment and ethics were consistent across demographics. Institutional leadership exhibited low correlation with organizational commitment but a moderate correlation with ethics in the workplace. Findings underscore the need for tailored leadership development programs, strategic improvements in organizational policies, and strengthened ethical frameworks. These insights aim to enhance leadership effectiveness, organizational commitment, and ethical standards in academic institutions.

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