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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

Leadership Perspectives in Basic Education: A Scholarly Analysis of the Insights and Views of Eminent School Heads
Ernalyn Advincula-Cortez
Mabilbila Integrated School
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-02

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Educational challenges continuous to grow; thus, school management and leadership should transcend through times. This study explored the insights and perspectives of the eminent school leaders in basic education regarding their experiences influencing their leadership approaches, values, and practices. Five seasoned and eminent school leaders participated in a semi-structured interview, which was thematically analyzed and interpreted. Based on the analyzed data, two themes were central in the discussion: (1) Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Professional Growth; and (2) The Transformative Power of Leadership Qualities. The study revealed that the school leadership approaches and practices are shaped by a deep commitment to lifelong learning and professional growth. Furthermore, the school heads believed that the positive values and behaviors in leadership can have a transformative impact to the school community and the people in it. Hence, there should be targeted leadership programs for new school heads in the basic education to further boost their leadership competence.


leadership approaches, leadership qualities, eminent school heads

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