1Yogalih Sangaulia Prihambada, 2Mulyana
1,2Yogyakarta State University & Yogyakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is one of the linguistic studies that seeks to reveal the meaning of a discourse in depth. One of them is about hyperbole speech in short story literary works that have a connection with everyday life. The purpose of this research is to explain: (1) The form of hyperbole speech in the discourse of short story anthology Suro Agul-Agul by Narko Sodrun Budiman, (2) Social criticism of hyperbole speech in the discourse of short story anthology Suro Agul-Agul by Narko Sodrun Budiman with Norman Fairclough's AWK. This study is a descriptive research with critical discourse analysis method used to explain hyperbole speech as a form of social criticism in the discourse of Suro Agul-Agul short story anthology. Norman Fairclough's AWK steps are (1) textual dimension analysis, (2) discursive analysis, and (3) social practice dimension analysis and social criticism is sought. The research data sources are 23 stories in the anthology of short stories Suro Agul-Agul by Narko Sodrun Budiman that contain hyperbole speech. The data collection method uses listening and note-taking techniques. The data that has been collected is then recorded and classified on data cards. The data analysis of this research is divided into data reduction, data classification, data presentation, interpretation and conclusion based on Norman Fairclough's AWK approach. How to validate research data using semantic validity and intrarater reliability. The results of this study are (1) the form of hyperbole speech in the discourse of the short story anthology Suro Agul-Agul by Narko Sodrun Budiman, namely (a) as a political reality, (b) as an economic reality, and (c) as a socio-cultural reality, (2) Social criticism of hyperbole speech in the discourse of the short story anthology Suro Agul-Agul by Narko Sodrun Budiman using Norman Fairclough's AWK, regarding political reality, namely that there are still many political practices of “reciprocity” in the government, Then about the economic reality related to money, namely money can control a person's life and cause envy in life, besides that low-income people tend to look for shortcuts to get rich. Then the last social criticism regarding the social reality of culture is about the people of East Java who are accustomed to swearing in various situations and Javanese people who often make parables to describe the situation.
KEYWORDS:Suro Agul-Agul Short Story Anthology, Norman Fairclough's, Hyperbole, Social Criticism, Discourse.
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