1Dr.Gökten Öngel,2Assoc. Prof. Dr.Erkan Taşkıran
1 Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Türkiye
2 Department of Tourism Administration, Akçakoca Tourism Administration and Hotel Management, Duzce University, Duzce, Türkiye
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Managerial implications and practices are changing with the digitalizing era. Especially with the adaptation of leaders to digital transformation, digital leadership style is an important change tool for businesses. Digital leadership can be expected to have an impact on employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. For example, showing more creative performance and managing problems and processes with an innovative approach can be considered as exemplary behaviors of employees. In this case, what is important is how employees will react to the changing leadership style. Commitment to change as a personal resource is assumed to have an influence on this association. Within this context this study aims to investigate the mediating role of commitment to change in the effect of digital leadership on creative performance. Survey method was chosen for data collection in this study. The data gathered by convenience sampling method from 288 employees working in five-star hotel establishments were analyzed with SPSS and SmartPLS-SEM. The results revealed that digital leadership effects creative performance and commitment to change positively and commitment to change has a positive effect on creative performance. In addition, within the scope of the main purpose of the research, it was determined that commitment to change has a mediating role in the effect of digital leadership on creative performance. Based on the findings, the results are interpreted and suggestions for future research are presented at the end of the study.
KEYWORDS:Digital Leadership, Creative Performance, Commitment to Change, Hotel Employees, Türkiye
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