1James Iskandar,2Justine Tanuwijaya,3Bahtiar Usman
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-51Google Scholar Download Pdf
Employees can be motivated to commit, achieve, and create a work environment that encourages better performance by tapping into their inner strength. The research aims to observe the effect of positive psychological capital on performance at work, which is mediated by the work environment and affective commitment. Information assortment utilizes a poll that has been tried for legitimacy and unwavering quality. AMOS version 22 is used to process research data using structural equation model analysis (SEM). The examination tests are 135 front liners of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-star lodgings in Bali, Indonesia. Positive psychological capital positively affects work performance, work environment, and affective commitment, according to the findings of the study. Affective commitment is positively influenced by the work environment, work performance is influenced by affective commitment, and work performance is mediated by affective commitment. Thus, hoteliers need to take notice of the positive psychological capital of employees through training, seminars, and workshops, so that employees can make a significant contribution to the success of hotels in running their business, because employees can always be expected to be in a psychological state who are ready to face various daily work situations.
KEYWORDS:positive psychological capital, work performance, work environment, affective commitment, hotel industry.
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