1Moh. Hanif Dwi Nugroho,2Ahmad Nasrulloh,3Widiyanto
1,2,3Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-52Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research was motivated by the determination of the best athlete (MPV) in the PLN Mobile Proliga 2023 competition in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to select the best athletes in the team that won the competition in the Jakarta Lavani Vs Jakarta Bayangkhara match in a national level competition. Descriptive research method with survey techniques. The subjects of the study were 12 male players, consisting of six Lavani players and six Bhayangkara players. The study sample used purposive random sampling. The research instrument uses an observation rubric by looking at several aspects of both skills and psychological aspects, namely attitude or attitude and leadership or leadership in the team. Data collection techniques using observation sheets. Observations are made only during peak or grandfinal matches. The points (+) collected in each set are combined and added to the most points, the athlete is chosen as the best athlete (MPV) in the competition. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that: in the grand final match won by the Jakarta Lavani team and one of the male players from the Lavani team with a total of 22 points consisting of (spike: 20 points, serve ace: 1 point, and block: 1 point) became the best athlete with an average point per set of 5 points. Best players are obtained from observing skills and psychology that are able to determine ideally the best player in a volleyball event. The conclusion of the study was selected the best athlete (MPV) in a competition based on the number of points obtained from the athlete's skills during the grand final match between Lavani vs Bayangkhara and psychologically the attitude of the athlete in his team.
KEYWORDS:Statistic, analysis, MPV, volleyball, athletes
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