Yekti Kurniawan
Management Master Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin
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This research was conducted to examine the intention to use an induction electric stove according to the theory of
trying. The variables involved in the analysis are traits, theory of trying, the attitude of adopting an induction electric cooker (AM)
and the desire to adopt an induction electric cooker (IM). Traits are general self-confidence (GSC) and cynicism (Cyn). Theory trying
is attitude towards success (AS), attitude towards failure (AF), attitude towards learning (IA).
Respondents are 197 of the respondents in Indonesia. Respondents who deserved to be processed were 124. The
questionnaire used Google form media. The analysis technique used is PLS SEM with the help of WarpPLS 7.0 software.
The results obtained are Attitude towards success has a significant positive effect on the attitude of adopting an induction
electric stove. Attitude towards failure has no negative and insignificant effect on attitude towards induction cooker adoption.
Attitudes toward learning to use an induction cooker have a significant positive effect on attitudes towards the adoption of an
induction cooker. Attitudes towards the adoption of induction hobs have a positive impact on the intention to adopt induction
hobs. Confidence in general has a significant positive effect on attitudes towards success. Self-confidence in general has a
significant negative effect on attitudes towards failure. Confidence in general has a significant positive effect on attitudes towards
learning to use an induction electric stove. Cynicism has a significant negative effect on attitudes towards success. Cynicism has a
significant positive effect on attitudes towards failure. Cynicism has a significant positive effect on attitudes toward learning to
use an induction hob. There is a pattern that is different from previous research related to conversion plans, namely the obligation
of the state and government support, both equipment and direct cash assistance related to the conversion program.
general self-confidence, cynicism, attitude towards adoption, adoption intention, attitude towards success, attitude towards failure, attitude towards learning
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