Larry M. Corillo, Jr., MAT
Northern Iloilo State University – Concepcion Campus, Concepcion, Iloilo
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Sports preparation is a critical aspect of athletes' performance improvement in their chosen field. It encompasses both
physical and mental aspects of athletes during sports programs such as training, competition, and recovery. This study aimed to
determine the level of social and physical preparedness of athletes in Secondary Schools in the 5th District of Iloilo, Western
Visayas, Philippines. The study involved 72 athletes who were assessed based on their social and physical preparedness using
computer-processed statistics through the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software.
Results showed that secondary school athletes have a higher level of social preparedness compared to their physical
preparedness. However, there was no significant relationship between the two variables. It can be concluded that if athletes are
socially prepared, they are not necessarily physically prepared as well. Social preparedness is innate and can be influenced by an
individual's experiences and upbringing, including community norms and moral development.
Furthermore, the study revealed that physical training programs for student athletes were not adequately implemented,
possibly due to other academic tasks in schools. In conclusion, developing athletes' physical and social preparedness is essential
for their holistic sports development, and implementing rigorous physical training programs alongside academic tasks is vital.
These findings can inform the development of sports programs and interventions aimed at improving the social and physical
preparedness of adolescent athletes in secondary schools.
Athletes, Physical Education, Physical Preparedness, Secondary School, Sports, Social Preparedness
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