• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


The Effect of Motor Ability on Physical Education Learning Achievement of Elementary School Students
1Nugroho Fuji Santoso,2Nurhadi Santoso,3Afeb Chesa Arianto,4Ujang Nurdin
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-23

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This study aims to determine the relationship between motor skills and the concentration of upper-class students in public elementary schools in Bantul, Yogyakarta. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational approach. The population in this study were high school students in public elementary schools in Bantul Yogyakarta, totaling 125 students. Motoric ability instruments use Barrow Motor Ability for Elementary Schools, which include: Shutlle-run test 4 x 10 meters, test to throw and catch a ball 1 meter from a wall, Stork Stand Positional Balance test, 30-meter sprint test, while physical education learning achievements use report value. The data analysis technique uses Pearson Correlation Product Moment analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between motor skills and the concentration of upper-class students in elementary schools. There was a relationship between motor skills and physical education learning achievements of students, with an r count of 0.395 and a coefficient of determination of 15.60%. The correlation coefficient is positive, meaning that if the motor skills get better, the physical education learning achievement will get better. For teachers and students, the results of this study can be a reference for improving motor skills because they affect Physical Education learning achievement. For other researchers, research can be carried out with other independent variables so that more variables that affect motor skills can be identified.


motor skills, learning achievement, physical education


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