1Putu Riska Wulandari,2Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara,3I.G.W Murjana Yasa,4A.A. Istri Ngurah Marhaeni
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economic and Business, Udayana University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
Due to subak's socio-agrarian, religious, economic, dynamic, and independent qualities, agriculture and subak are intimately intertwined in Bali. The existence of subak and the viability of Bali's agriculture may be threatened by both internal agricultural issues and global changes. This study intends to investigate the institutional aspects of subak agricultural sustainability in Denpasar City. The majority of the land is farmed by sharecroppers or smallholders, making the use of restricted land in urban farming a problem for sustainable urban agriculture. The research technique employed is the literature review method, which uses a variety of pertinent scientific journals, particularly those on sustainable urban agriculture, to gather the information needed for the study. The findings of this study suggest that institutional factors are crucial for preserving subak's viability and fostering subak farming in urban settings. Social capital is the factor that contributes most to the sustainability of urban farming in Denpasar City. In conjunction with Tri Hita Karana, who continues to play the function of the Subak in agriculture in the City of Denpasar, the support of social capital in institutions fosters a high level of community involvement.
KEYWORDS:Institutional factor; Subak; Sustainable Development
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