1Jamiluddin,2Ahmad Sinala,3Sudirman K. Udja,4Ritha Safithri
1,2,3,4Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
The phenomenon about the communication behavior of Javanese ethnic traders to prospective buyers at Manonda market, Palu has its own meaning and message because it contains variations in communication practices based on cultural values and habits that are still inherent to a Javanese ethnic trader. These communication practices have an effect on the meaning of the message itself to prospective buyers. The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning of the message caused by the variations of expressions (speech acts) in the communication behavior of Javanese ethnic traders to prospective buyers. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method by taking 5 (five) Javanese ethnic traders as informants who trade at Manonda market ,Palu. The informants‟ criteria have been previously determined by using purposive sampling. Collecting data through participatory observation, interviews, listening, and note-taking. The results of this study revealed that the meaning of message expressed by the Javanese ethnic traders to prospective buyers is more connotative, poetic, metaphorical, and ambiguous. The expression used is a form of euphemism – has a polite meaning, not too sharp but the aim is to disguise the true meaning. The Javanese ethnic traders often express high context culture to prospective buyers.
KEYWORDS:Communication behavior; Javanese ethnic; meaning; message.
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