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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

Health Problems and Nutritional Status among Children Under-Five Years in Diocese of Agats: A Cross-Sectional Study
1Fransisca B. Batticaca, 2Eva Sinaga
1,2Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cenderawasih University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-38

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From September to February 2018, the number of measles and under-nutrition cases among children under five years in Agats reached a peak of 651 cases and 223 cases, respectively. It was reported that measles and undernutrition were responsible for 91% of child mortality in Agats. This study aimed to identify the correlation between health problems with nutritional status among children under five in the Diocese of Agats, Asmat. A descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional approach was conducted from May to September 2018 among 39 mothers and 53 children. Data were collected by using an attendance list that consisted of mother and child characteristics, nutritional status was measured by using steelyard balance and microtoise, and the results would subsequently be converted to the standardized anthropometry: Weight for Age Z-score (WAZ) and Weight for Height Z-Score (WHZ). Results revealed that child health problems were cough and influenza (28%), febrile (1,9%), and itches (3,8%) while the nutritional status categorized normal (43.3%), underweight (33.1%), and waste (23.3%). ChiSquare test found that there was a significant correlation between health problems and nutritional status of children under-five (p-value: 0,035; CI 95% = 0,68 – 0,79). It is concluded that health problems are associated with nutritional status among children under five. It is recommended that regular health promotion to improve mothers’ knowledge should be conducted by healthcare workers, volunteers, teachers, stakeholders, and the local government of Asmat Regency.


Health problem, nutritional status, children under five

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