1Tangonan, Michelle E.,2Alivia, Hazel DC.,3Mercado, Reyneelyn,4Toledo Elmar
1Lyceum of the Philippines University, Manila, Philippines
2,3,4Wesleyan University-Philippines, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
Students face educational hurdles while adjusting to virtual learning or distance learning. A greater retention percentage is hampered by a variety of factors, including mental health issues. This study was conducted to determine the effects of virtual learning on the mental health and academic performance of 158 Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management students at Wesleyan University – Philippines. One hundred twenty-four, or 78%, of the respondents were female, and the rest were male. The results of the study showed that the mental health of the tourism students during virtual learning was affected by the following: time management, focus/concentration, difficulties with internet connection, and gaining knowledge/developing skills. Those factors have an effect on the respondents’ academic performance in their online classes. The idea of virtual learning while at home affects the mental health of learners, who experience stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, self-harming, and sleep deprivation due to the pressures of doing their assignments and submitting them immediately. In this way, the class must also formulate a way to ease those issues in order to regain the self-esteem of learners and uplift their emotional development.
KEYWORDS:virtual learning, mental health, academic performance, tourism students, Wesleyan University – Philippines
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