Hassan Laaloua
Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i8-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper examines the status of Moroccan high school students’ environmental knowledge. It aims to test the level of students’ knowledge regarding a range of factual and conceptual knowledge of topics related to local and global environmental issues which high school students are supposed to know. The study adopted a quantitative research design and the research sample was made of 524 female and male students belonging to eight public and private high schools in the city Agadir and the suburbs. The descriptive statistics of the knowledge test’s scores revealed that students demonstrated insufficient degrees of environmental knowledge both at the levels of factual and conceptual questions. Meanwhile, the results were also indicative of the absence of positive or negative correlations between students’environmental knowledge and their age, gender, stream, school type and grade. Finally, this paper suggests ways to boost students’ environmental knowledge to improve their pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors.
KEYWORDS:Environmental education, environmental knowledge, students, Morocco
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Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022

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