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Volume 05 Issue 07 July 2022

The Efficacy of EFT on the Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among College Students’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Basis for the Development of Psychological Acupuncture Intervention
Araceli Bustamante-Paster
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i7-06

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The study's major goal was to determine whether lockdowns, remote learning, and other significant changes brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic caused students at a locally supported institution in Laguna to feel depressed, anxious, or stressed. Students enrolled from 2020 to the present or during the pandemic's duration made comprised the study's participants. This was a quasi-experimental design. It was designed to find out if students were displaying signs of stress, anxiety, or depression. An intervention, Emotional Freedom Technique, has been used to mitigate and address their degree of depression, anxiety, and stress. The participants' age, sex, course, and year level demographics were also noted. The research used simple random sampling and the researcher called all the participants who met the criteria. Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) was utilized to determine their level of symptoms. Moderate to extremely severe symptoms had been invited to participate in the experiment. Volunteered participants had been assigned to three experimental groups namely depression group, anxiety, and stress. Forty-five (45) participants had been subjected to 16 (sixteen) sessions of online intervention with a total of 48 sessions for three groups with an interval post-test within the sessions. Fortunately, after 16 sessions of the emotional freedom technique, the participants in the anxiety group had a baseline of 16.69 mean or severe but after three post-tests they became better as revealed by the last post-test mean of 4.84 or normal. As to depression, they had 22.77 mean or severe, but after sessions it was now 10.38 mean or mild. The participants had 25.50 mean or severe but afterwards 8.70 mean or normal in the stress group. Since quantifiable data has demonstrated how well the emotional liberation technique works, the hypothesis that it is ineffective for reducing the participants' levels of sadness, anxiety, and stress symptoms was rejected. Nevertheless, the researcher will create an intervention called “Psychological Acupuncture for Comfort” as the output for the study.


Emotional Freedom Techniques, Depression, Anxiety, Stress


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