1Rinalynn L. Borito, MAEd PhD
2Antonio Yango
1,2University of Perpetual Help System Biñan, 4024
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study investigated the 374 respondents of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao on their level of awareness, attitude and level of compliance with RA11313 Safe Spaces Act thru the use of descriptive-correlational method based on the results of the three-part researcher-made questionnaire. The findings showed the respondents’ high level of awareness, the very positive attitude, and the very high level of compliance to RA11313 Safe Spaces Act. As to the relationship between variables, the findings showed significant relationships between the level of awareness and attitude; level of awareness and level of compliance; and attitude and level of compliance of the respondents with RA11313 Safe Spaces Act. In conclusion, the students are aware of RA11313 Safe Space Act knowing that their university is a safe space; they have positive attitude towards RA11313 Safe Spaces Act which signifies their belief that the university will use the survey’s feedback to make improvements; and they comply to RA11313 Safe Spaces Act as they have not committed any violations in the Implementing Rules and Regulation of the act. Similarly, the higher their level of awareness, the more positive their attitude; the higher their level of awareness, the higher their level of compliance; and the more positive their attitude, the higher their level of compliance to RA11313 Safe Spaces Act. Therefore, there is a need to implement the proposed action plan to enhance or sustain the awareness, attitude, and compliance of the college students towards RA11313 Safe Spaces Act.
KEYWORDS:Descriptive correlational study, United States, safe space, gender-based sexual harassment.
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