• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

Understanding the Teachers’ Lived Experience in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Using Modular Distance Learning in Now Normal
1Hyacinth F. Pura, 2Leomar S. Galicia
1,2University of Perpetual Help System Laguna, Sto. Niño, Biñan City, Laguna
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-35

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This qualitative study examined the lived experiences of teachers of teaching Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) using modular distance learning in now normal utilizing daily. A review of literature was completed concerning the areas of teachers and the history of modular distance learning. The research question for the study was, what are the participants’ lived experience in teaching and assessing students in modular distance learning class of TLE in the now normal? And how do they cope up with the challenges of teaching and assessing students in modular distance learning class of TLE in the now normal? The research design for the study was Phenomenological qualitative research in interpretive design. Interviews were completed. The data were disaggregated according to themes and patterns. The participants of the study consisted of eight (8) participants’ experiences of TLE teachers on modular distance learning in the Department of Education in the Division of the City of Biñan. After data collection, the researcher found seven (6) common themes. Each of these themes was discussed in terms of supporting or not supporting the review of literature. The majority of the findings of the study supported by participants served as authentic guidelines of the study. A major contradiction in the findings was the fact that none of the teachers in the study felt a need for more professional development and community involvement.


Teachers, Modular Distance Learning, Technology and Livelihood Education, and Lived experiences


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