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Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2022

Gender Differences in Mental Health of International Graduate Students
1Erick Vernon Y. Dy,2Marison Felicidad R. Dy,3Annalie L. Rosales
1Office of Counseling and Guidance, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
2Department of Human and Family Development Studies, College of Human Ecology University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
3Department of Science and Technology, San Fernando City, La Union
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i6-11

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The study investigated the mental health concerns, mental health states, and help-seeking behaviors of international graduate students by gender. Ninety-two respondents accomplished an online survey. The males’ main concerns were academics and finances while it was academics and other relationships for females. There is no significant gender difference in mental health states although, there are more males with 3-5 depression symptoms and moderate-severe anxiety. Both males and females were willing to seek help for their mental health concerns. Both males and females suggested the provision of university mental health services. Further, males added the need for better teacher/adviser-student relations while females added having social events. The depression and anxiety symptoms were higher for male master’s students and for female students who resided off-campus and have a family member/friend diagnosed with a mental health problem. Provision of appropriate university services to attend to the mental health needs of international students is necessary.


international graduate students, mental health, depression, anxiety, help seeking, gender differences


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