1Ruel G. Gerona, 2Susana C. Bautista
1Wesleyan Academy, PHILIPPINES
2University of Perpetual Help System Laguna, PHILIPPINES
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i5-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed at examining the interplay the relationship among the ICT skills, e-supervision scheme of school heads, and teacher development in distance learning which longed to be a valuable undertaking in the time of pandemic where alternative delivery mode of education is implemented; skills of school heads in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have been challenged and brought impact to their administrative and academic role. Descriptive-correlational design was employed. The study revealed that school heads had very high ICT skills level in terms of utilization and competence, had very high e-supervision scheme level in terms of video conferencing, instant messaging, and office suite, and very high level of teacher development in distance learning. Correlation indicated that the higher the ICT skills level of school heads’ in terms of competence and utilization, the better is their e-supervision scheme and teacher development in distance learning. In essence, these findings demonstrate importance to maintain the high-level ICT skills, e-supervision scheme of school heads, and teacher development in distance learning, Similarly, data served as basis for a training program to make the school heads’ skills level higher on the indicators that ranked last.
KEYWORDS:ICT Skills, E-supervision, Teacher Development, Distance Learning, Descriptive-correlational study, Philippines.
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