Alfred Dorgbetor
Akatsi College of Education, Ghana
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The study was a descriptive survey carried out to find the effect of parental child-rearing style on school attendance of Junior High School students in the Sefwi Wiawso Municipality. A sample of 340 students reported on their parents’ parenting style using Parental Authority Questionnaire. A record of school attendance was taken from students’ school attendance registers from sampled schools. Multiple Regression analysis was conducted to assess the effects of parenting style school attendance. The result showed that authoritarian parenting style predicted negatively with school attendance. Also, the authoritative parenting style has a positive prediction for school attendance. Implications, limitations, and future research opportunities are discussed. Parenting style played an important role in influencing the level of a child’s school attendance.
KEYWORDS:Parenting Style, Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, School Attendance
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