1Iswan, 2Ma’mun Murod, 3Herwina Bahar, 4Imam Mujtaba
1,2,3,4Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, South Jakarta. Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i2-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research was conducted in elementary school Lab. School FIP-UMJ, South Tangerang. Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The number of respondent studies was 25 students who actively participated in extracurricular activities through the internalization of the habit of reading the Koran. The results showed that the student’s character was very good after they mastered the reading of the Koran well, had good attitudes and character. The attitude of the students that is formed is that they are aware to carry out worship because it is God’s command. Spontaneous activities are in the form of giving warnings to students who make mistakes by advising and asking children to apologize. Therefore, as an effort to find a standard and ideal strategy in internalizing religious values in character building so that all attitudes a behavior of students are in accordance with the values of religious character, and thirdly, environmental based, student activities where students have a grand Taksmi program, activities that involving parents and guardians. The family is the first and foremost place for children’s growth and development. The basis of character education should be applied from childhood or what psychologists call the golden age, because this age has been proven to greatly determine a child’s ability to develop his potential. About 50% of the variability of adult intelligence occurs when the child is 4 year. The next 30% increase occurs at the age of 8 years, and the remaining 20% in the middle or late second decade. From here, character education should start from within the family which is the first environment for the growth of children’s character.
KEYWORDS:character formation, internalization of religious values, elementary school.
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