1Jun Surjanti,2Rahayu Dewi Soeyono,3Winarsih
1,2,3Department of Economics Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-33Google Scholar Download Pdf
Surabaya as a metropolis city faces challenges in building a smart city, which synergizes sustainability. One of which is by understanding the intergeneration family business potentials in SMEs as one of the support systems of the city economy. This research is phenomenalistic research by collecting data in the urban agricultural community. The subjects were 193 SMEs in the urban agricultural community. Data was collected through questionnaires which were used to map intergeneration family business potentials. Research shows that the highest potential showed on women graduated from senior high school. Here proved by their experiences in conducting start-up business for 1 to 5 years. The business type was food industry which mostly employed family members. The business would be inherited by their children and later managed by the women of the family (wives).
KEYWORDS:intergeneration family business, SMEs, Sustainable urban agricultural community
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