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The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance: A Study of Sri Lankan Financial Institution
1A. Nishanthini,2 R. Arthika
1,2Lecturers, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i9-21

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Intellectual Capital is essential in every economical activity. The aim of this study how intellectual capital impact on financial performance in Sri Lankan financial institution. To achieve objective of this research banking institution has been selected from Colombo Stock Exchange financial directory for the period from 2016 to 2020. Random sampling technique were used to analysis the data. MVIAC model used for the measurement of independent variable in this study. This model is a composite sum of two indicators these are Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) - indicator of VA efficiency of capital employed and Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE) – indicator of value-added efficiency ofcompany’s Intellectual Capital base. Intellectual Capital Efficiency is composed of (a) Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) – indicator of value-added efficiency of human capital; and (b) Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) – indicator of value-added efficiency of structural capital (c) Rational Capital Efficiency (RCE). Finding represent that intellectual capital has significant impact on financial performance of Sri Lankan financial institution, specially banking industry. SCE and CEE has negative impact while RCE impact positively on financial performance.


Intellectual Capital, Financial Performance, Financial Industry, Value Added.


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