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Uses Gratification Theory and Village Cooking YouTube Channel- A Discourse
P John Britto
Madurai kamaraj university India.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i9-18

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Viewers of youtube channel, choose the content freely to satisfy their needs. They like a video or dislike a video based on their likes and dislikes, thus empowering audience over media to give their feedback. More than this audience can give their comments over the content of the video. This paves for active participation of audience as Uses Gratification Theory (UGT) postulates. The audience also has the power to share the video to other platforms to show how their physical, psychological and social needs were satisfied and so others could get satisfied. Village Cooking YouTube channel has been taken for experiment to evaluate the concepts of UGT.


Uses gratification theory - YouTube - Village Cooking Channel - Needs satisfaction


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