• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Prosthodontics Clinical Cases (Patients with Decreased Inter-Arch Distance-Case Report)
1Zainab Mahmood Al-Jammali , 2Zahra saad M.Sc, 3Mohamed Saad,
1,2,3University of Babylon / IRAQ, College of Dentistry /Prosthodontics
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The aim: to describe a simple method to increase the inter-arch distance for patient with decreased inter-arch distance. Methods.The study done in the dentistry college of Babylon University at Prosthodontics clinic, the treatment plan was explained to the patient, he was informed of the benefit of this treatment and informed consent was obtained . The following cases report describe the rehabilitation of a patient with decreased inter-arch distance and worn dentition with interim acrylic partial denture to correct reduced inter-arch distance. This study include four patients, three with acrylic RPD and one of them construct complete over-denture. Diagnostic casts were made and mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator with face bow record and centric relation record. Theconclusion.Limitation in interocclusal space is a common problem in prosthetic dentistry. Several approaches have been proposed to solve this problem. The treatment presented here are two different treatment lines used, acrylic bite raising which consider as a primary step to the definite prosthesis. While the other one treated with complete overdenture to improve retention and increase the inter-arch distance with improve aesthetic, and muscle tone with reversible, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive treatment.


Prosthodontics, clinical, cases,patients, decreased ,inter-arch distance.


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