1Gholamreza Nadi,2Tahere Abdian,3Mansoor Darvishi Tafvizi,3Mohammad Hossein Modabber,4Navid Kalani
1Student Research Committee, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
2Departement of Nursing, Peymaniyeh Hospital, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
3Medical Ethics Research Center, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
4Research center for social Determinants of Health, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,Jahrom, Iran
Introduction and Objective:
Spiritual health is an integral component of health with a significant impact on physical and mental health. Spirituality facilitates coping with the adverse effects and complications of diseases. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate spiritual health of patients visiting Jahrom Honari Clinic.
Method:This was a descriptive-analytical study on 384 patients visiting Jahrom Honari Clinic in 2016. A demographic questionnaire and Spiritual Health Questionnaire (developed by Freydoun Azaizi)) were used to collect the required data, the validity and reliability of the latter has been confirmed in Iran. Data was analyzed using SPSS, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests.
Findings:The results showed that women enjoyed greater spiritual health than men. The Mann-Whitney U test results showed a statistically significant difference between gender and spiritual health (p < 0.05). Spiritual health was also higher in more educated, older (51 to 100 years of age), and married people as well as in housewives (p < 0.05). However, no significant difference was found between the mean spiritual health scores in terms of place of residence (urban and rural areas of Jahrom). The mean spiritual health score of patients was higher in cognitive/behavioral dimension than behavioral dimension.
Conclusion:Acceptance of disease, adaptation and treatment process are facilitated by highlighting various health dimensions, phonariicularly spirituality, in patients given their demographic characteristics. Health care officials should pay specific attention to this factor.
KEY-WORDSSpiritual health, Patients, Clinic.
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